Suspension bushing kit standard / rear – Polaris Sportsman/Scrambler 1000 S

66,00  66,00 

JAY PARTS suspension bushing & sleeves kit – standard suspension Polaris Scrambler & Sportsman 1000 S – rear

  • 100% Made in Europe
  • stainless steel sleeves
  • POM buschings
  • O-ring to seal against dirt and water

One set is for one vehicle suspension rear (2 suspensions)
This set does NOT fit for FOX Suspensions!

Availability : in stock

In stock (can be backordered)

JAY PARTS suspension bushing & sleeves kit - Polaris Sportsman/Scrambler 1000 S - Rear - suspension standard

Bushings & sleeves kit for the standard suspension Polaris Scrambler 1000 S and Polaris Sportsman 1000 S.
The sleeves kit is perfect for the ambitious driver and the answer to the worn out of the original bushings.

stainless steel sleeves & POM bushings sealed with O-ring

8 x POM bushings
4 x stainless steel sleeves
One set is for one vehicle REAR (2 suspensions)

POLARIS Scrambler 1000 S, 2020 -
POLARIS Sportsman 1000 S, 2020 -
Does not fit on vehicles with FOX suspension!

Don´t hit the bushings with a hammer!
Put enough grease in the bushings before installation.

Assembly instructions

JAY PARTS suspension bushing & sleeves kit – Polaris Scrambler/Sportsman 1000 S – standard suspension rear

When asembling the Jay Parts suspension bushing kit, make sure that different bushings are used on the bottom and the top!

When assembling the bushings, use plenty of grease (water-resistant grease) that the bushings are well greased to ensure the life oft he bushings and seleeves. The O-rings used in the buschings seal the sleeves against water and dirt to increase the life oft he bushings.
Don´t hit the bushings with a hammer!

Torque fort he screws of the suspension absorber attachment 50NM

If you have already picked up the vehicle, you can check the following pints..

  • Check the play oft he wheel-side bushings on the rear axle immediately to see whether they are knocked out.
  • You should check the play oft he ball joints and tie rod ends on the front side. There should be no game


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