Ball joint performance Can Am Spyder upper

101,95  101,95 

Can Am Spyder
Jay Parts ball joints performance (upper)

JAY PARTS ball joints performance – best material selection – 200% stronger than the original ball joint!

  • Made in Europe
  • 200% stronger
  • modified Pin design
  • Teflon-coated bushings
  • 42CrMo4 hardened
  • galvanized

Replaces the following article numbers: 706201988, 706201842, 706201371

Availability : in stock

In stock (can be backordered)

Jay Parts ball joint performance Heavy Duty upper

Can Am Spyder
The best material selection and new PIN design makes the JAY PARTS Ball Joint Performance 200% stronger than the original ball joint. The construction is specially designed to withstand the toughest conditions!

- Made in Europe
- 200% stronger
- modified PIN design
- Teflon-coated bushings
- 42CrMo4 hardened
- galvanized

Repaces part numbers: 706201988 , 706201842 , 706201371

Can Am Spyder alle Modelle 2013 -

DELIVERY: 1 piece


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