Clutch Adjustwasher CFMoto CForce 450-1000

4,80 8,20 

Adjustwasher Primary & Secondary Clutch CFMoto CForce 50-1000 with CV Moto Tech Clutch

CFMoto uses belts from several manufacturers in the original equipment and the dimensions differ..
When changing from Mitsubishi to Bando or aftermarket belts, it is advisable to adjust the belt alignment exactly. Check the width before fitting to see if it differs from the original belt* used.

Only with an exact belt alignment does the belt run free of wear and the gearstick remains smooth.

Availability : in stock

Adjustwasher for Primary & Secondary Dlutch CFMoto CForce 450-1000

CFMoto uses belts from several manufacturers in the original equipment and the dimensions differ.
Only with an exact belt alignment does the belt run free of wear and the gearstick remains smooth.
E.g. Bando drive belts for the 1 cylinder are smaller and shorter than Mitsuboshi or Gates drive belts (etc.). The alignment of the belt can be exactly adjusted with the adjusting washers.

Primary Clutch Adjustwasher CForce 450 - 1000 with CV Moto Tech Clutch

Wider belts may require an additional washer to achieve the correct engagement speed.
With the 1mm spacer washer you can optimally distance (open further) the clutch on the primary clutch (front variator).

Secondary Clutch Adjustwasher 450 – 1000 mit CV Moto Tech Clutch

With the 0.5 mm spacer you can adjust the belt alignment exactly. The washer is also used by CFMoto. CFMoto may have used 1-5 washers to compensate for series tolerances or the frequently changing belt dimensions.


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