IPONE Waterproof Grease

24,70  24,70 

IPONE Waterproof Grease 200g

  • waterproof grease on aluminium complex basis
  • water resistant – evel salted
  • perfect for bearings, joints, axes and other pivots
  • prevents breakage and oxidation of parts

CAPACITY: 200 g box

Availability : in stock

In stock

IPONE Waterproof Grease 200g

IPONE WATERPROOF GREASE greases and prevents water from penetrating which prevents breakage and oxidation of parts. Easy to apply, it has a very good grip on moving parts. Its hold and efficiency are durable over time as it does not fear water (even sea water) or heat and resists extreme pressures.

Its texture makes it pleasant to handle and its white color is super convenient, you can be sure that you applied the grease everywhere you need to!
Its practical format is transportable. You can easily store the pot in a tool trolley!
Secure data sheet from manufacturer


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