Pitman CFMoto CForce

319,00  319,00 

JAY PARTS Pitman for CFMoto CForce 850 & CForce 1000

The pitman is made of high-strength steel. The reinforced JAY PARTS pitman prevents bending and twisting and thus minimises the pressure on the screw connection.
Mud Racer and Hunt the Wolf / Race to Hell racers will love it.

  • Material: S355 steel
  • massive pitman
  • Made in Europe

Availability : in stock

In stock (can be backordered)

JAY PARTS Pitman CFMoto CForce 850 & CForce 1000

The very massive pitman is made of high-strength steel to prevent bending and twisting. This minimises the pressure on the screw connection.

Enhance the performance and durability of your CFMoto CForce 850 & 1000 with the JAY PARTS Pitman. Crafted from high-strength S355 steel, this reinforced Pitman is designed to withstand bending and twisting, reducing pressure on the fastening. Engineered in Europe, it's a testament to quality and reliability. Designed for mud racers, Hunt the Wolf enthusiasts, and Race to Hell competitors, this Pitman is a must-have for those who demand uncompromising performance.

CFMoto CForce 850 EPS, 2019 - current
CFMoto CForce 850 non EPS, 2019 - current
CFMoto CForce 1000 EPS, 2019 - current
CFMotoCForce 1000 non EPS, 2019 - current


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