Shock Cover Polaris Sportsman 1000XP


Shock Cover for Polaris Sportsman 1000XP

  • waterproof material
  • Velcro fastener over the whole length
  • High quality thermal transfer printing
  • Ends with stretchy binding
  • colors: RED & GREY/GREEN

Availability : in stock

Shock Cover in Polaris Sportsman 1000XP design

The shock absorber protection covers are made of a highly water-resistant textile material and have a continuous Velcro fastener, which enables quick assembly and disassembly.
1 set consists of 4 covers in Polaris 1000XP design and is optionally available in the colors black/red and black/grey/green.

4 shock covers length 35cm

Because of computer-technological circumstances, there may be color variations between the Homepage representation and the original product.


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