Expanding Microcell Sponge

7,99  7,99 

MUC-OFF Expanding Sponge

  • PINK 😀
  • vacuum packed
  • ergonomic shape
  • great whater absorbing
  • microcell technology

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Muc-Off Expanding Microcell Sponge Pink

Muc-Off’s Microcell expanding sponge is contoured to an ergonomic shape for maximum comfort and ease of use. The vacuum packaging facilitates transport, while once freed, it is immediately ready for the soap party.

Release the sponge from it's packaging and watch it magically grow to a full size sponge! To help the sponge wax, knead it a little in and out of the water. As soon as it puffs up a little, you can also use your fingertips to gently pull the two large surfaces apart a little - just don't pull too hard! When it is bigger, it will grow by itself in the water.


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